Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Guns for everyone?

A report on CNN today got me thinking about Gun Control. Too often, the debate about what to do about guns turns into a shouting match. On one side, you have the NRA, warning that if the government puts any restrictions on gun ownership, the next day they’ll be breaking into homes all over the country and ripping guns out of their owners’ hands. On the other side, you have people who are families of the victims of gun violence, and are no less emotional in their cries for guns to be banned in the cities.

As is usually the case in American politics, the moderates have been shouted down into silence. The people who can actually compromise have been forced to be silent by the radicals.

No rational person wants to take all guns away. No rational person believes that everyone should be allowed to buy any kind of weapon they want and can afford. Yet too often this is what the choices presented to people seem to be.

But for those of you who can still be rational about things, can’t we come to some sort of compromise? Surely no one can argue that they need a fully automatic assault rifle to go duck hunting? Can’t we agree that an assault rifle has only one purpose, to kill people? Do you really need an Uzi for home defense? Please. Can’t we agree that people who want to own guns should go through a class to use those guns safely?

Guns are made to kill. That is their sole purpose. Whether you kill animals or people, they are a tool designed to kill whatever they’re pointed at. Anyone who argues this point is either a fool, or trying to twist things to his own benefit. Guns are made to kill.

Guns should be controlled. I do not say get rid of all guns. Not only is it impractical and unconstitutional, but I agree with the need for weapons to defend the home, or to go hunting. No, I’m not saying we should take all the guns. I’m saying we should keep violent offenders from buying guns. I’m saying we shouldn’t allow people to buy assault rifles or automatic pistols. You can defend your home as easily with a shotgun as with an AK-47. But killing large numbers of people is harder with a shotgun.

Stop yelling, and compromise.

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