Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Job Search Update

Sometimes, the only thing that is worse than not having a job is having one that not only doesn't pay well enough, but also has hours so unpredictably spaced that you can't get a second job because you have no fraking clue what your schedule will be one week to the next.

Such is the position I now find myself in.

So after literally carpet-bombing the surrounding area with applications, I finally managed to get a part time job at a gas station. Yeah, that ain't cutting it at ALL.

So here I am, looking for more work, different work, anything really.

The problem is that, while I enjoy the gas station (it isn't exactly difficult work) the hours are too unpredictable. If it was a set schedule, I could at least find a second part time job to supplement those hours. So now I'm basically looking for something full time, and hoping the bill collectors don't come after me until I find something that works.

Personally, I would like to get a job in one of the local game shops, or a bookstore. Something where I actually know a thing or two about the product being sold. A video game store would be pretty much ideal.

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